Board of Trustees

Ten personalities from the fields of business, politics, education and culture volunteer their specific skills, extensive experience and broad networks for UZH Foundation.

Dr. Christian Wenger

President Board of Trustees
Leadership Committee
Allocation Committee
Lawyer for comm. and business law

Prof. Dr. Michael Schaepman 

Vice President Board of Trustees
Leadership Committee
Allocation Committee
President UZH
Founding Partner Netcetera AG

Dr. Eveline Saupper 

Second Vicepresident Board of Trustees
Leadership Committee
Lawyer und Tax Expert
Board of Director at Clariant, Georg Fischer and Flughafen Zürich

Dr. Felix R. Ehrat

Investment Committee
Business Lawyer

Prof. em. Dr. Felix Gutzwiller

Allocation Committee
Former Council of States
Various Foundation Board mandates

Jennifer Maag

Investment Committee
Founder, Capital Concepts International
Chairwoman Artemis Holding
Independent Board Member of Kardex, Rieter and Weidmann

Dr. Alex Rübel

President UZH Alumni

Cyrill Schneuwly

Investment Committee
IC AFIAA Foundation for International Real Estate Investments
Board Member Peach Property Group

Daniel Hug

Investment Committee
Director Finance UZH