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New inspiration for the heart and mind

What is currently driving research and science? Our new annual magazine "Inspiratio" takes you on a journey through the world of research. We hope you enjoy reading it!

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UZH Foundation Brain Diseases Award 2024

Once again this year, the University of Zurich is honoring three young researchers for their work in the field of brain research. Follow the award ceremony and the presentations of the winning projects live on site or from home.

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Exciting minds – groundbreaking research

As a comprehensive research university, UZH benefits from its own diversity. But how is this reflected in day-to-day research? As a representative of the numerous outstanding researchers at the University of Zurich, Elisabeth Stark, Vice President Research,…

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Challenge Accepted: High-speed AI Drone Overtakes World-Champion Drone Racers

In a milestone for artificial intelligence (AI), the AI system “Swift”, designed by UZH researchers, has beaten the world champions in drone racing – a result that seemed unattainable just a few years ago. The AI-piloted drone was trained in a simulated…

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#SOLAgegenKrebs: Taking a Stand against Cancer

The UZH Foundation and the Comprehensive Cancer Center Zurich (CCCZ) launched a further fundraising campaign at the SOLA relay race to combat cancer.

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Funding Advisory Board and two of the 2023 Brain Diseases Award winners.

Brain Diseases Award 2023: And the winners are...

We sincerely congratulate Manuela Pérez Berlanga, Daniel Gonzalez Bohorquez and Yi Xiao (Sean) Jiang for receiving this year's Brain Diseases Award!

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The picture shows the area east of Wangen an der Aare. (Image: ARES)

Top marks for new major projects at the University of Zurich

In the evaluation of new national research infrastructures, the University of Zurich (UZH) performs excellently: With five out of 14 prioritized major projects, UZH places itself at the unofficial top.

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The Influence of Retirement on Language and Communication

Language and communication fulfill key functions such as strengthening ties between people, ensuring independence and improving people’s well-being. But what happens when we retire? The VARIAGE research project is now exploring this question.

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Fleeing Climate Disasters

Drought, storms, forest fires. The threats posed by climate change have become a reality and know no limits (or national borders). It is vital that we find the right course of action now to prevent future worst-case scenarios.

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New Endowed Professorship in Sustainable Economics

Another milestone has been reached: the Department of Economics at UZH is creating a new endowed professorship in sustainable economics in partnership with the Vontobel Foundation.

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