Establish Your Own Foundation

You’re planning a significant commitment and want to give science and research a boost? The UZH Foundation offers you the opportunity to establish your own foundation that bears your name and systematically promotes specific topics at the University of Zurich. We will handle the administrative side of things to keep your commitment as simple as possible.

Establishing a separate foundation or fund under the umbrella of the UZH Foundation can be done by taking over an existing independent foundation, through an estate or through a donation tied to a specific purpose. The foundation can bear your name or any other name of your choosing.

Strengthening Research across the University

We can boost the profile and drawing power of your foundation thanks to its connection with the University of Zurich. You will gain personal access to UZH’s academic network and representatives. This will allow you to follow the foundation’s activities at all times and exchange views with the university’s experts.

Your foundation will have its own web page and URL within the UZH Foundation website, which you can choose freely. A dependent foundation is consolidated in the accounts of the UZH Foundation and disclosed in separate financial statements.

Reduced Administrative Burden

Regardless of the reason for establishing your foundation, having your own foundation with us enables you to fully focus on your funding activities in the future. As the umbrella foundation, we will handle the entire administrative side of business, while you can make the most of our efficient and established processes and save reviewing, auditing, asset management and accounting costs.

Criteria for Establishing Your Own Foundation

If you would like to donate at least CHF 1 million to UZH and have a say in how your donation is be used, but have less than the CHF 10 million recommended by SwissFoundations, establishing your own foundation under the umbrella of the UZH Foundation is your best option.

Perhaps you’re already running an existing foundation, but its size no longer justifies the relatively high administrative costs. In this case, integrating your foundation into the UZH Foundation is the best solution to keep your funding activities going in the future.

Non-Binding Consultation

Whatever your situation or goals, we are happy to discuss your plans in person. Please contact us to arrange a meeting.


Dominik Heitzmann

+41 44 634 61 84
