[Translate to English:] Bild: Comprehensive Cancer Center Zurich

#SOLAgegenKrebs: Taking a Stand against Cancer

The UZH Foundation and the Comprehensive Cancer Center Zurich (CCCZ) launched a further fundraising campaign at the SOLA relay race to combat cancer.

The 48th edition of the SOLA relay race took place on Saturday, 6 May 2023. Some 14,000 runners took part, tackling the distance of 114.7 kilometers.

After successfully raising funds at last year’s race, the CCCZ and the UZH Foundation joined forces to launch another joint fundraising campaign. The runners and teams were able to support innovative cancer research at CCCZ through an online platform created by the UZH foundation.

In total, the campaign raised over CHF 13,000 – money that can now be put to excellent use combating cancer. We would like to thank everyone who participated and supported us.  Together we can make a difference.

See you at next year’s race! 

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